Monday, November 24, 2008

My Fall 2008 TV Week

Going from college where I had my room and could watch whatever I wanted whenever I wanted to home with the parentals and having to watch TV in the family room has definitely had an influence on what I watch.  And the fact that sometimes my work schedule has me working at night.  Luckily, we just got DVR, which means I never have to miss certain shows again!  These are the ones though that I have to watch:

Sunday: I'm all about Desperate Housewives.  It's my bonding with my mom.  I've been watching it since it started and this is the first season where I've actually been able to watch it with my mom in the same room, instead of calling her from school during the commercial breaks to discuss it.  It's definitely still a fave and this season is particularly juicy.

Monday: The Hills.  I was never an avid watcher of it.  My roommates would watch it, but it conflicted with The Bachelor last year, and I had a standing date with a friend for that show.  Now, I cannot wait for Mondays at 10pm and am catching up on the previous seasons online.

Tuesday: NCIS is my new favorite show.  I would tolerate it before when my parents would watch it, not really paying attention.  I don't know what happened, but I am suddenly obsessed with this show!  It has everything: attractive guys - one for each generation in the forms of Mark Harmon and Michael Weatherly, an adorably quirky girl, a hint of sexual tension, and it's local - NCIS is based in the Navy Yard in DC.  Thank goodness for its syndication on USA and Ion this season, so I can catch up!

Friday: Since watching The Hills itself is never enough, I watch The Soup on E!, since a clip of Audrina or Heidi is usually featured in Joel McHale's funny commentary of the week in TV.  Some of the best inside jokes from my roommates from last year and I come from this show.

Noticeably missing?

- Grey's Anatomy.  If I happen to be not working or have other plans, I'll watch it, but it's definitely not a must see anymore for me.

- I tried watching the new 90210, but I'm such a fan of the original that I just can't get into this new cast.  Plus the first ten minutes of the pilot were excruciating.  The dialogue and acting were so corny.

What am I excited about for Spring 2009?

- The return of LOST.  I cannot wait to find out what is going to be revealed this season.  Who's really dead?  Will the Oceanic Six find the island again?

- The newest season of The Bachelor.  I'm not at all the gooey romantic type, but I love this show.  I think it's more the way the women act; I like to see how catty they'll get or if there are any amusing personalities.

What do you have to watch?


OhMyHeart said...

The Office and It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, but I only watch both of them online. Otherwise, if I'm in the room, it's HGTV all the time with my mom :)

Katherine said...

Ooh, I forgot about The Office! I only watch that online too though.