Sunday, November 23, 2008

Update - But Nothing Has Changed

I wore boots today in order to inspire courage and they failed me.

But he looks so adorable in a sweatshirt and jeans. *sigh*


I thought that maybe I would be happy just enjoying the crush life, but no.  Unfortunately, I think I'm going to have to be forward and see if I can get something started.

EDIT: I was choosing my labels for this post and realized how much more boy-centric this blog has become since old blue eyes popped onto the scene.  I was going to be so careful about not mentioning that stuff.  Nevermind. :)


OhMyHeart said...

Clearly you need to write about your hair more. It's so preeetyyyy!

(And then maybe if you flick your hair around more, Blue Eyes will notice more? maybe?)


OhMyLaughter said...

I enjoy reading about Blue Eyes!
Are you two working similar shifts yet?

Def. Def. suggest a casual hang out if an opportunity arises. Or get him to help you with something at work. And IF texting is allowed at work...

text at work (If you start texting about work... it will quickly become more personal...and more likely to happen outside of your job. Yay!

Happy Thanksgiving! Love you!