Friday, October 24, 2008

Back to Civilization

I just got back from visiting my great aunt in Ohio and it's so nice to see so many cars around.  I could never live in the country.

Anyway, the reason I went up there was to see the old houses and places where my grandma and her family lived and grew up.  It was really cool seeing the houses that my great grandparents grew up in, considering how I'm used to the military life, and haven't been in just one house my whole life.  And to still be living in that same area like my great aunt is?  Wow.

You'd also think that being out in the country is a pretty safe place to be.  Well, we were checking out my aunt's old house, which is way back in the woods.  So we were looking at it when all of a sudden, a shot rang out.  I thought, oh my gosh, this is it.  Accidental death in the woods.  Great.  We eventually realized it was the neighbors having a target practice, and not even in our direction, but omg.  I was SCARED.  Now, my great aunt and her daughter-in-law didn't flinch a bit the six times the shotgun was fired while we were there.  Ugh, I could never live in the country.

Tonight at work, we're having a Halloween themed bookfair.  I haven't dressed up for Halloween since I was twelve.  Wait.  That's a lie.  In college I dressed up twice with my dear friend Meredith.  Since we both have red hair, we always did a twin thing - first, Siamese twins, and then Annie and Hallie from the Lindsay Lohan version of The Parent Trap.  I'm thinking of ideas were I get to wear things that I wouldn't normally wear to work, like sweats or jeans.  Honestly, I would really love to be a character from High School Musical or Giselle from Enchanted, but they only make those costumes for kids.

So that's been my week.  Time to get back to the old, but thankfully busy, Northern Virginia scene.


OhMyLaughter said...

The Siamese Twin costume was Awesome!

Where was this in Ohio?

Katherine said...

This was in the country, kind of near Youngstown and very close to the Pennsylvania border.

And yes, the Siamese twin costume was the best!