Wednesday, October 15, 2008

5 Things on a Wednesday

1) I asked for today off from work because my mom and I were supposed to go to the book signing of a family friend, but it got postponed, so instead, I'm bored.  I wonder if I'll ever have a book signing?

2) Luckily, I'll hopefully be able to finally watch Sunday's Desperate Housewives over at the neighbors' house.  They have DVR - but we will have it soon too!!

3) I am totally obsessed with The Hills right now.  I'm watching the older episodes on and the new episodes as they air.  Why are their fake lives so fascinating?  And why do Audrina's expressions always look so vacant?

4) I LOVE Someday My Prince Will Come!  The author, Jerramy Fine, is a wannabe princess, Anglophile, and DG, so we're basically the same person.  I should start wearing my princess tiara everyday...

5) I have a crush. :)  I think OhMyHeart might be excited for this.

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