Thursday, October 2, 2008

Café Writing

So I played at being JK Rowling yesterday.

I had to go to B&N anyway to pick up a special order and put in some scheduling requests, so I brought my laptop along to get some outlining done.

I actually got work done!

There are far too many distractions at home or when I was at school, but while working at the B&N cafe, I was actually productive, even with people around.  I guess it helped that they weren't interacting with me.  I don't want to go too often though, since I work there and don't need the other employees thinking I have no life.  But it was fun sitting there, typing and brainstorming away with my cup of chai.

Though I suppose for the full JKR experience, I should have used napkins to write on and not had the typical American Starbucks throwaway cup.  Oh well.

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