Monday, December 22, 2008

Please don't hurt my feelings

Is there any way to get over being afraid of getting your feelings hurt?

I trust friends and family; I'll let them in.  But whenever a romantic situation starts up, I freak out, not wanting to get too close for fear of being hurt.

Someone pointed out to me that I am a bit more sensitive than the normal person; I feed off of other people's feelings and I easily am affected by things that people say to me and the way they say them.

But I kind of need to get over this if I'm ever going to embark upon (corny, I know) any relationships.


OhMyHeart said...

I mean, we already talked about this in real life BUT -

I say just jump in. Agree to dates with ALL those guys, whether or not you're already sold on them. Practice with them - it's just one date, you're not leading them on - and then you'll be ready for the "right" guy, or you may be surprised by the end of the date they're the "right" guy. :)

And I'll double with you if you need a winger, of courssssse ;) (but really, totally selfishly, I just want to go on more dates too, heh.)

Katherine said...

That's honestly what I think I'll do. Too bad if it creates drama if they find out!