Sunday, December 21, 2008

Guy + Attention = Uninterested Me, Guy - Attention = Interested Me

Like others, I love the chase.

I seem to go back and forth sometimes on how I feel about some guys.  Interested, not interested, all depending on how much interest they show in me.

Guy 1: I find out from a girl friend that he is asking about me and likes me.  I don't feel the same way, but suddenly talking to him is a bit more fun since I know he finds me fascinating.  Things continue this way till I start to sense that he really likes me and so I back off, because I don't want lead him on.  It's at this moment that he asks me out and I have to do my awkward rejection, giving work as my excuse since I don't want to hurt his feelings.  He backs off a bit, but still wants to get to know me.  All of a sudden, I start missing the interest that he had been having in me, so I start talking to him more.  And I start thinking, maybe I should go out with him.  But then I do the test: would I want to kiss him?  The answer is still no, but I want to hang out with him, because we do get along really well, but again, I don't want to lead him on.

Guy 2: I didn't really start talking to him till on a group outing (where incidentally Guy 1 got kind of jealous - I didn't do it on purpose!) and he asked for my number.  A week or so later, he called and asked if I wanted to go see a horror movie.  I wasn't sure about the situation plus I didn't want to cause any problems  with Guy 1 so I said no (plus I don't see horror movies - hello nightmares!).  Now I keep going back and forth with how I feel about him depending on how he acts toward me.  He's so not my type and entirely too sensitive, so I really should just leave it alone.

Guy 3: My blue-eyed boy.  Every conversation with him is such a success since he doesn't talk much.  But nothing will happen unless I initiate because 1) he probably isn't that interested me, and 2) he's so shy.  But I'm not an initiating kind of girl.  Well, unless bribed: I asked a guy to my semiformal once in order for my mom to buy me a new dress, since she would only do so if I had a date.  I need a situation like that again!  Anyway, he never shows much interest in me, so is that part of my crush on him?  For a day I decided that I didn't like him.  But that didn't last long.

The chase is indeed fun.  I almost feel that if blue-eyed boy were to actually like me back, I'd run the other way.  Part of my reluctance in asking out blue-eyed boy is my own fear of getting my feelings hurt, but that is another issue.  And I know that I don't really like the other two, but I kind of want to date them just so I can add some experience to my dating resume.  But that's not fair to them.  So what should I do?

P.S. Sorry about the lack of consistency in tense.

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