Wednesday, December 24, 2008

I know it's Christmas Eve, but here's a letter of complaint

Dear Parents Who Shop With Children,

Isn't it sad that on Christmas Eve, of all days, I temporarily lost my belief that people are generally good thanks to you?

Okay, maybe not that far.  But I honestly don't understand why you don't teach your children anything anymore.  Or maybe it's the sense of entitlement that seems to follow the generation.  It just seems that you don't respect things.  Or understand that when your child says he has to go to the bathroom you should listen to him, and not wait until he goes all over the train table and I get to be the lucky one to mop it up.  Please tell me where in my job description it says that I'm supposed to be a maid.

You are always very disgruntled when the book that you want has a page that is slightly bent or doesn't have the plastic wrapped around it.  But when it's your child who is bending up a book, throwing them around, stepping on them and pretending they're ice skates, then whatever.  It's not your problem.  It's just so easy for you to ignore them and consider us as your free babysitters, cleaning and picking up after them.  Guess what?  That's not what I'm being paid for.

And I really don't need any attitude for you.  I generally start off at work happy each day, but thanks to your behavior and that of your children, I lose my positive attitude.  I can only imagine how those less optimistic than myself deal with these situations.

So thanks for not listening,
Fed Up Children's Department Bookseller