Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Miley Cyrus

I admit it.  I used to be a Miley Cyrus fan.  I watched "Hannah Montana" when it first came out and own her first two CDs.

But she crossed the line for her sixteenth birthday party.

The Powers That Be SHUT DOWN DISNEYLAND for the entire day for her birthday party!  And that really ticks me off.

Sure, there were like 250 special fans chosen that got to come.  But think of all the families that had planned vacations to the original Disney theme park for that day.  What are they supposed to do?  What if that was the one day that they were able to spend at the park?  Oh sorry, one little 16 year old is more important than thousands of kids who are trying to live the dream.

And really, this is probably more Disney's fault than Miley's, but I think her ego is probably growing too big anyway.  She acted immature in her YouTube video response to Selena Gomez and Demi Lovato's video.  Yes, she is only sixteen, but she needs to remember that she's in the spotlight with so many people scrutinizing her, waiting for her to mess up.  She chose this life (or at least agreed to it) and should accept the fact that she can't act like a normal teenager while in the Hollywood spotlight without having to face major consequences.

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