I'm bored at work. Not a surprise. But add to that anticipation for going out for happy hour at 5 and the minutes just seem to tick by even slower. So I'm doing what I would do when I was younger on Christmas Day. I wasn't allowed to wake up my parents until 8am, but due to the excitement, I would invariably wake up before the set time. So I would pull out a journal and write. Usually the actually writing was interspersed with a countdown of how many minutes I had left before I could officially wake up my parents. So right now we're at:
1 hour, 15 minutes. Ugh.
Though, that number is better than earlier in the day. And some people are going out at 4. Jealous! I want to leave then too. But I'm pretty stuck at a 5 o' clock departure time. One guy suggested I pull the old "female problems" routine with my male bosses to get out early, but I hate using that. I only like using my femininity in productive ways.
Which leads me to a thought on women in the workplace. I dislike some of them and the way they act. I dislike how women think they have to be bitches in order to get ahead. I think you can garner just as much respect by being courteous, but stern. And then the women who only wear pant suits or other masculine looks. No thanks. I believe I have much more power in a skirt or dress. I prefer to highlight my feminine features, instead of downplaying them. Not in a slutty or inappropriate way, because that won't get you anywhere. But wearing heels adds an extra spring in your step.
1 hour 10 minutes. I type too fast. That's one way my old journals were better. It took longer to write out each word as opposed to my relative quick typing skills.
Oh stream of conscious. It's so east. Just write whatever pops into my head. Which is apparently talking about stream of conscious. And then writing in not very complete sentences, which doesn't matter since I'm just streaming my thoughts. I wonder how the word "stream" came to be used in that phrase?
I bet by the time 5 comes around I'll be tired. I'm already coming down from my earlier energy. It was rather excessive. I felt like I could run around the building.
I guess I could organize the pantry.
Apparently what also works is telling your boss you have a happy hour and then he tells you to go ahead and sneak out early! Not as early as 4, but hey, I'll take what I can get.
So I'm going to go with...35 minutes till I leave! (Though it would have been 55 without my earlier release to freedom.) I think 4:40 is acceptable. Eeeeeeeeee! I'm so excited.
20 minutes.
10 minutes.
Time to wrap up!
The Women
1 week ago